volunteer young girl

Join Our Pack!
On a daily basis, we have new foster dogs and cats coming into the system that need medical care, such as insulin, heart meds, allergy meds etc.  Won't you be part of the pack and help with a monthly donation?
  • Nail Clipper Pack - $10/month
  • Paw Pack - $25/month
  • Tail Wag Pack - $50/month
  • Wet Kiss Pack - $100/month

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Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Alf had his only companion, an 80 year old lady, all 4 years of his young life. The day came when her health was not good and she moved into a nursing home. He could not go with her and family members did not want him, so they dropped him off at a high kill shelter in WV. He was afraid when he arrived in PA but it didn't take much time for him to show us he thought his name had an "A" on the end of it not just at the beginning. The trainer Paula was out to our house to show us how to handle the situation. I had the “A” at the end of my name not him, he was Alf and I was Alfa! He caught on quickly how far he could go. He is a love bug, always beside you, never leaving your side. He loved the computer! Opening 67 windows one time and wiping my desktop off of icons, turning off the internet. You never know what he might do! His first application turned out not to be the best. We were told no children lived there but it ended up that he was to be the play toy for a granddaughter and Alf didn't like that arrangement! Then came in an app. that had Alf's name on it! King of the castle! He lives with Julie and is constantly by her side. He has helped her to get over her loss of her long time companion, Homer. Alf's update from Julie ~ He is my little sweetheart! He sleeps with me, sits with me when I’m on the computer or watching TV and he’s always there when food is around. He is a little mooch! We took a walk through town on Sunday morning and he got to meet a lot of people and other dogs. He seems to get along with everyone, he’s a good boy! Alf got his Christmas wish . . . a home to call his own forever and ever!